Yoga Village
108 Sun Salutations with Yoga Farm to Kick off Reggae Fest!
Saturday June 21 and Sunday June 22nd 9AM-10:30AM
Join us for a rhythmic flow of sun salutations, do as many as you would like to do, zero pressure! This is a fun way to join in on group energy and come together as a community moving together as one Love.
Why 108? So many reasons that span cultures and traditions. It is a sacred number that connects the Sun, Moon and Earth. It is also the number of verses in sacred texts, the number of sacred sites in India, the number of names for Shiva and Buddha, and is the number on the Catholic rosary as well as Tibetan mala. If none of that is your jam, it's the number of stitches on a baseball. MAGIC STUFF!
Come to support the energy or join in and see what Sun Salutations are like for you! We will walk you through it.